Saturday, February 8, 2020

You Were Never Really Here (2018)

With the Oscar's quickly arriving, I had been a little curious about Joaquin Phoenix other performances in films. I have had You Were Never Really Here on my watchlist for quite a while and only recently got around to watching it.

I went into this only knowing the description Amazon Prime gave me which was basic enough. This movie's plot actually surprised me a bit and the entire film is quite beautiful to watch.

As always spoilers are hidden unless you highlight them.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

1917 (2019)

A fact about me, I only just recently discovered that I enjoy war movies. I found this out after watching the horror/sci-fi Overlord back in 2018, which was set in WWII. The supernatural elements of the film didn't kick in until closer to the end, but I found myself enjoying the movie anyways. And since I found the trailer for 1917 to be interesting I feel like it confirmed that I do in fact like war movies.

This is a spoiler free review.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Richard Jewell (2019)

When I first saw the trailer for Richard Jewell, I was immediately interested. The trailer gave off a conspiracy type vibe which is a topic I'm very much into. Seeing that John Hamm was in it also made me want to go see it, as I'm a fan of both his roles in Good Omens and Black Mirror

This review for the most part is...spoiler free? As it's based on real life events that most people know about I feel I don't need to hide any details. 

Knives Out (2019)

Typically, I don't watch too many mystery movies. As someone who finds it difficult to focus on pretty much anything, I really have to be completely undistracted and in the right mindset to enjoy one. Knives Out interested me because of Toni Collette, who had given an incredible performance in 2018 film Hereditary. So I ended up seeing this one with my friend.

Any spoilers will be blacked out, highlight to read them.

Level 16 (2018)

This was a movie that I found while just browsing my film channels and decided to give it a watch. The description on my TV was vague, about a dystopian boarding school, and sometimes I like those kinds of movies so I decided to give it a watch. 

And boy was I blown away.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Joker (2019)

When I first saw the trailer for Joker, my main reaction was one of slight amusement. I thought "yeah I might go see it." and then admittedly forgot about it for a bit. What peaked my interest later was the surrounding "controversy" of how apparently unsavory folk might look up to Joker as a hero. There were even attempts at saying that a shooting might happen at a showing due to the movies content (absolutely ridiculous). So obviously I was thinking "what's so bad about this movie." Seeing memes of Joker on the stairs all over my Twitter feed also added to my wanting to see it as soon as possible.

This is a spoiler free review.

The House That Jack Built (2018)

With my family having recently switched TV providers, I have quite a few movie channels now. Among them are a few I had been wanting to see.

The House That Jack Built is one of them, as I heard it was a disturbing one.

This review is, for the most part, spoiler-free.