Sunday, November 24, 2019

Joker (2019)

When I first saw the trailer for Joker, my main reaction was one of slight amusement. I thought "yeah I might go see it." and then admittedly forgot about it for a bit. What peaked my interest later was the surrounding "controversy" of how apparently unsavory folk might look up to Joker as a hero. There were even attempts at saying that a shooting might happen at a showing due to the movies content (absolutely ridiculous). So obviously I was thinking "what's so bad about this movie." Seeing memes of Joker on the stairs all over my Twitter feed also added to my wanting to see it as soon as possible.

This is a spoiler free review.

The plotline of Joker is incredibly original despite the character belonging to DC Comics. We spend most of the movie following Joker before he becomes Joker, a man named Arthur Fleck who suffers from at least one mental disorder and is a social outcast as a result. The filming and scenes feel so much like real life, I forgot I was watching a DC film until the name Gotham City is mentioned.

The film also gives a incredibly realistic look at mental illness. The disorder that Joker has in the film, while not name, actually exists and is called Pseudobulbar Affect. It touches on some other aspects too, such as the world's unwillingness to be understanding of those affected and even therapy and medication being cut off, which has happened to me in real life. All of this did indeed make me feel empathetic for him. While I don't condone his actions towards the end of the film, it was incredibly well built up and you can't help but understand why he's finally had enough.

Some might find the plot to drag on, but I, personally, was never bored. It was fascinating for me to see the slow deterioration of the character. While some of the plot I did try to predict, I wasn't successful, which is good in my opinion. People are mainly upset that this film has no hero; but that's why this story is so unique. The protagonist need not always save the day, and it can be hard to pull a plot like this off; but Joker does it incredibly well.

The shots and music of this film is also fantastic and really added to the feeling of loneliness that Arthur feels. Additionally, there are many humorous moments, including the infamous stairs scene which is being meme'd massively along with other scenes. Despite the media wanting to put it in the negative, Joker has left a massive impact on the public eye. The unique design of the make-up and clown mask also makes this Joker stand out and instantly recognizable.

This is definitely one that deserves to be seen on the big screen. And may the memes never die.

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