Sunday, November 24, 2019

Joker (2019)

When I first saw the trailer for Joker, my main reaction was one of slight amusement. I thought "yeah I might go see it." and then admittedly forgot about it for a bit. What peaked my interest later was the surrounding "controversy" of how apparently unsavory folk might look up to Joker as a hero. There were even attempts at saying that a shooting might happen at a showing due to the movies content (absolutely ridiculous). So obviously I was thinking "what's so bad about this movie." Seeing memes of Joker on the stairs all over my Twitter feed also added to my wanting to see it as soon as possible.

This is a spoiler free review.

The House That Jack Built (2018)

With my family having recently switched TV providers, I have quite a few movie channels now. Among them are a few I had been wanting to see.

The House That Jack Built is one of them, as I heard it was a disturbing one.

This review is, for the most part, spoiler-free.