Friday, March 29, 2019

Replicas (2019)

It's been a while since I've watched a Sci-fi movie in a theater and I was surprised to see that Keanu Reeves was the star of this one. The trailer intrigued me, as cloning and transforming humans into cyborgs is something that interests me quite a bit.

This is a spoiler free review.


The camera work and overall style of this film was pretty well-made for a big screen film. The lighting was very nice and reflected the mood in several scenes. However, there were some CGI effects used near the end of the film in which the animation was rather choppy looking, which is a shame considering the rest of the movie was solid.


There weren't too many sudden jump-scares although considering this movie is a Sci-Fi I wasn't expecting them. Some of the soundtrack is very nice and fitting as well, which I enjoyed.


I haven't seen too many clone movies in my time so I probably can't say for sure if this storyline is fully original. It might be a reach to believe that a scientist could do all this in secret, but I was able to enjoy the movie regardless. I particularly enjoyed the "side-plot" of him trying to figure how to transfer a human mind into a robot body.


I thought the concepts introduced here were really creative as I'd never considered the idea of fully mapping someone's brain before. It did require a little suspension of disbelief from me (as I believe humans are more than our brain neurons) but I was able to enjoy the movie when not nitpicking about the accuracy. I don't think the situations were absurd either, we've fully cloned sheep so I don't see why the process wouldn't work with a human.


 I'd consider this a good film, as Keanu himself worked on it as well. It was an interesting storyline and I was glad to see something original hit the mainstream theaters, even though it was strangely not advertised much. 

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